Our History
Bishop William Kelley
Spiritual giants are not born…they are developed. In the life and ministry of Elder Kelley, God made a hero of the Apostolic faith. He was humble and unassuming, yet powerful. Unassuming because he was a natural introvert, but powerful because of his walk with God, his passion for souls and for the growth of the Kingdom of God. Elder Kelley was a true prophet and a profound teacher of biblical principles. He had lived through many unforeseen situations, all while raising a family, planting and growing at least 5 churches across America, financing many global missions projects, and winning the lost. He was a man of God who strongly believed in the ministry of reconciliation and restoration. He believed that anyone could be used by God, no matter what they had been through.
It was this belief that drove his vision for the formation of Whole World Gospel Mission. His burden was to create a place where men and women of God who had been shut out, isolated, marginalized, and/or unfairly treated by other organizations could come and be restored to their calling. He envisioned a multi-cultural fellowship of like-minded Apostolics that were equally passionate about reaching the world with their testimony through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During the evening years of his life, he poured himself into countless pastors, evangelists, and their families. He took special time for those who had become weary with the battle and needed a voice of encouragement, instruction, and fresh direction. He worked with churches in transition and served as a valuable mentor to other leaders, those both younger and older than himself.
At the beginning of 2022, he knew his time of transition to the sunny shores of sweet deliverance was coming quickly. In the couple of months before his passing from this life, he called for a select group of men, including Rev. Spiderman Mulholland, Rev. Seth Mena, and Rev. Michael Glover - men to whom he could impart the weight of his burden and anoint for the future accomplishment of his vision. It is the sincere goal of the formation team of Whole World Gospel Mission to build on the passion and legacy of this great man of God. Elder Kelly…we salute you!! Rest in peace, knowing that the burden God gave you is being carried out!!